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Guaranteed Spot Policy As Of Fall 2024
This change will be in effect for all players in the Minor and Major Leagues regardless of previous status.

Beginning Fall of 2024:

Players in the Minor and Major Leagues will try out every Fall.
Players who make a team in the Spring of their 9 year old and 11 year old season will be afforded a spot in their 10u and 12u Spring season on the same team from the previous Spring.
Players who played in the Fall of 2023 will need to try out and make a roster spot.
Players who played in Spring 2023 in their 9 year old and 11 year old seasons will return to their Spring team.
As players age up from the Minor to Major League, they will be required to try out and secure a roster spot to continue playing.
To re-emphasize, compared to the current policy, with the new policy there is no guarantee that a player will make a roster spot as they age up to a new League or as they try out each fall.

This change will be in effect for all players in the Rookie League beginning Fall of 2024:

7 year old and 8 year old players will try out in the Fall.
7 year old players will try out again in the Spring. If a roster spot is secured in the 7 year old Spring season, this will be the player’s team for their 7 year old Spring, 8 year old Fall, and 8 year old Spring. When this player ages up to the Minor League, they will need to try out and secure a roster spot to continue playing.
7 year old players who played in Spring 2024 will return to that team for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.
8 year old players that only played Fall will try out again in the Spring of their 8 year old year and must secure a roster spot to continue playing. When this player ages up to the Minor League, they will need to try out and secure a roster spot to continue playing.
Rookie teams will be required to select a 6 year old player for their team (if enough registrants) in the Spring season. 6 year old players selected to a Rookie team will continue with that team until they age up to the Minor League, at which time they will need to try out and secure a roster spot to continue playing.
To re-emphasize, compared to the current policy, with the new policy there is no guarantee that a player will make a roster spot as they age up to a new League or as they try out each Fall.

Sibling Guarantee
Beginning in the Fall of 2024, the Sibling Guarantee will only extend to Rookie players in the Spring season who have a sibling that has made a Spring team that same season. There will be no sibling guarantee for players in the Minor or Majors.

During Spring registration, players registering for Rookie will be able to denote they have a sibling trying out for a spot in Minors or Majors. Minors and Majors will be drafted first and registration lists will be updated accordingly for registrants who then have a guaranteed spot.

Families with multiple children trying out are not guaranteed to have all children secure a roster spot. West Raleigh will make every effort to place players from the same family that are selected in the same League on the same team, but it is not guaranteed.

Change To Fall Select Structure
Starting in Fall of 2024, the Minor and Major Leagues will now have an option for Modified Fall Select and Fall Rec. League.

Modified Fall Select

Blue/Red players that played the previous summer in the All-Stars program will have the opportunity to register for Modified Fall Select. The Modified Fall Select teams will be formed to regular WR League ages, Minors Modified Fall Select (8u and 9u) and Majors Modified Fall Select (10u and 11u). The registered players will be dispersed among teams in the Minors and teams in the Majors with the goal of creating teams of approximately equal talent levels. Each team will have 2 events (practices and games) per week. The Modified Fall Select will not use traditional ranking and seeding through their season. The season will finish with a single elimination tournament among all teams in the League.

If in a subsequent Summer, a previous Modified Fall Select player does not play All-Stars, the following Fall they would be required to only register for the Fall Rec. League. If a player that has a spot in Modified Fall Select, wishes not to take the roster spot, they do have the option to try out for the Fall Rec. League but they are not guaranteed placement. If there are open spots in the Modified Fall Select, it is at the discretion of the Executive Director if players from the Fall Rec. League will be able to be drafted to fill remaining Modified Fall Select spots.

From the age groups within the Modified Fall Select (8u, 9u, 10u, and 11u), Blue and Red summer all-star teams can carry over into the Fall season to have an option in participating in 2-3 tournaments. These teams will be the same teams from the Summer, not the same teams as the Modified Fall Select. All players must be participating in a WR Fall League in order to be eligible to participate in tournaments.

Fall Rec. League

Players will need to register for the Fall where they will tryout and need to be drafted to a team. Every Fall, all players will need to try out and be drafted, even if they are returning to the same League in which they played the previous Fall. Each Fall, players are not guaranteed a spot, even if they played the previous Fall or Spring. Each team will have 2 events (practices and games). The Fall Rec. League will utilize ranking and seeding leading into the playoffs. The Fall playoffs will be single elimination and will take place over the course 4-6 days (weather depending).

Purpose For The Fall Structure Change
Our purpose for creating a Modified Fall Select season for our Minor and Major Leagues is:

Player Development: Central to both divisions, with a focus on skill enhancement, understanding of the game, and personal growth.
Player Mix: By offering varied levels of play and a focus on development, we aim to keep more players engaged.
Encourage Multi-Sport Participation: Scheduling practices and games to avoid weekends to allow players to engage in multiple sports.

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